I need help men chi wahed khedam f centre zappel !!! :)
Let there be no mistake, there is EVIL, pure EVIL exists
Finding a partner
How much do pharmacists really make in Casablanca
The power of fasting to annihilate LUST
I am god
Our country is way too kind with these migrants who spread nothing but insecurity, violence, drug and so on.
This existence is just a different form of 'NOTHING'
Being blocked in the Semen retention SR
Why are the new generation of Moroccan women so hateful like this and don't respect men like the old genration ?
Enlightenment is becoming jesus,mohamed, abraham,buddha and all the unknown awakened mystics altogether
My experience of a spiritual awakening
Entry in Morocco with Swedish emergency passport
Galo lih bak ta7 glihom mn lkhima khrej mayl
Do you also have problems with Moroccan culture?
I thought that only some women go to mosques with such a dream in mind.
I just need an advice ( No judging)
Lending money to familly
Is being lesbian more accepted than being gay in Morocco?
How do so many people afford cars ?
دعونا نبحث معا عن الحقيقة
Can anybody please tell me how to do transcendental meditation for free?
What does it require to have a female partner in our county
Toxic masculinity in morocco