So i grew 2cm at 20, went from 171-173 (both night meassurments), if i grow to 175 will i be classifed as short still or no?
Even in Horor Animated videos the first thing they mention is:
JAPAN IM COMINGGGGGGG ngl i always loved Japan and i love it even more now.
Hey guys i have scientific way of 10cm growth easily not even trolling. 1. Find a shoe that gives you 4cm in height 2.Get a Sock lift that gives you around 3.5cm 3. Glucosamine which will keep up ur morning height and give you extra 2-3cm since u wont shrink ur morning height.
Hmm i wonder why (literally what happens today to all the gen z kids being shorter than their dads by a foot and short people are common more than ever) hmm 🧐🧐🧐
For people saying 180cm or 5'11 is short, this is how an actual 5'11 or 180cm looks like. "Short yeah so short"...
Yo can mods genuinely do something about these 5’10+ dudes using this place as a dating / ⚫️💊 sub?
5'10 is short bro (while this is the difference beetween 6' and 5'10) LOL delulu 5'10 kings.
The comments on this could you guess(obvious u are cute but too small)? the girl is around 5'8-5'10. Also this guy is famous and rich and still rejected on social medias by most of girls cause of the fact hes small. Not even money and richness helps suicide doesnt look so bad.
When do you guys think NBA will hit 100mil on Insta at this rate (310k) a month it will be pretty soon.
Why is everyone in Greece so tall
A lot of 6'0-6'3 guys feel "average" not cause of height inflation simply cause of eye level. When they look in the mirror they realize the reality of how much taller they are then the rest most of the time. Height inflation is not real.
I hate social media algorithms
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Guess what his bio is?
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