is it possible to sync video from video, not audio sync
What is the most un-skippable intro in TV show history?
I found there are alot of people following these kind of workout, does it works?
What if chatgpt talk to itself ?
I made chatgpt talk to itself by pretending AI A and AI B
What are things parents should never say to their children?
I made Chatgpt have conversation to itself by act as AI A and AI B
Icy roads be like
What is the most mind-blowing conspiracy theory you've heard?
Chatgpt is from the future...
What racist thing people did but they don't think they are racist?
What did you react when you receive scam or advertise calls ?
What every single men think of every night ?
What is the best thing about porn?
How would you respond to "I don't date small boobs"?
What did you do to make your GF or BF happy when they are mad ?
Grandmaster LP
What do you think about only China people need covid certificate while travel to America?
What makes you instantly want to have sex ?
What is the song you never understand what it's saying but you kept listening?
What did you do to annoying bad teachers ?
What after your mama so fat ?
What after "Your mama so fat“ ?
What jokes never get old for 100 years ?