Concept Operator: Annikki
Uh, W matchmaking
How do you take those Pixel Ahh Gunfights on windows as an Attacker
What operators do you ban for specific maps?
Do people actually think pxppy uses a cronus?
Does it get worse than this?
Hey can someone tell me which one i should sell?
They kept running out so i brought nomad
Why ubisoft. It's not fun.
What bomb site do you hate defending, and how did you get around it?
How good is Jynxzi really?
ACOG vs Holo/Reflex
The beta sucks big time
Bought the new ash bundle but didnt receive the skin... What do i do?
Where can i buy cheaper credits on pc
Anyone else stuck on this screen for beta
Whats a Operator Buff/QOL Change you would like to see that does not include a number change
Am I the only one who dislikes people who call keep inventory players cheaters?
What is your RANK and PLAYTIME? Do you think your playtime commensurate your rank?
should ubisoft buff the new op?
best way to learn call outs?
Where do u guys bind ur Push to Talk (PC)
Solo Q and can’t get out of copper
I'm tired of this SMG meta
Hot take: Goyo is the new warden