Game crashing as I go through Pitt gate

So I’m at the gate with mex. He lets me through but I crash at the loading screen. I’ve dropped all my items so there are no conflicting items when they strip everything from you.

I’m so frustrated cause I haven’t played in so long.

My mod list is:

Better dinnerbell Level 100 and perk every level Gra more caps YUP-base game and dlc UIO JIP LN NVSE TTW TTW expanded inventories 4gb patcher Version 13 The regulators A trail of crumbs Stewie tweaks Johnny guitar nvse TTW reputation TTW creature health rebalance kNVSE ROOGNVSE Caravan fast travel TTW Engine optimization Point lookout reborn TTW Special point at level up Ava tweaks and fixes DMVA V3 Drop One item at a time Novas vending machines Ulysses mask fix Vanilla armor replacers

Thanks again for helping me out. I have no idea why it keeps crashing and I haven’t seen any other helpful post online.