Ways to get a shy guy to open up to me?
What qualifies as a “first move”?
What’s the shortest time knowing a girl at which you decided to date her?
What is an easy thing you just cannot manage to learn
How can I get a quiet boy to open up?
Does this mean something?
What’s your go to language sentence
How do guys feel about being around girls who like them?
Are guys only friends with girls who they find attractive?
Chat did I get rejected??
How HARD is it really to get a 9?
How do you all get girlfriends?
3-2 to 5-5 in science and 3 to 4 in maths—possible?
what sport does your crush play?
Girl icks?
Do guys actually care for perfume?
Most beautiful/attractive hair colour?
My crush says she’s mean to only me
Why do guys always end up liking the same type of girl?
Have I completely messed up?
How do you feel about “nice” girls?
What should I do to get a guy to like me?
What kind of compliments ??
Advice, please!