Skirt and Socks Combo Contest! Which One Slays?
The lack of Taihou or Illustrious greatly disturbs me
Bear swipe(not really, just an escalator wound)
How did you beat Secret Savior (WoW) alone?
Which one are you choosing?
Fuck this forum.
How to spend starchrom as a new player?
R.I.P my not even 2 year old RTX 3070, think I can say its dead based off this. What do y'all think?
Upgrade from my GTX1660 SUPER?
4070TI/4070TI Super for Thermaltake Tower 300 case
Young master's demands
Don’t fuck with hot saw
Fuck Rev Says Desu
What is this?
Make buffaloes more peaceful in Way of Winter
Colorful makes the best looking Nvidia cards.
Japenis popular time
is gainward trustworthy?
Decided to walk into Micro in Dallas just see what they had. ($100 over msrp. )
Just upgraded from 3090 up to 5080
I'm terrified, please help
80% of women are dating the same 15-20% of men?
The battle is over, we have won
5080 dying?