Battlefield 3&4 fans seeing the leaks
Washington, D.C. (2025), decolourized
Washington, D.C., 2025 (Decolourized)
Weapon wheel does not work
English speaking psychiatrist in Frankfurt - mission impossible?
Wöchentliche Finanzdiskussion - KW 26 - 2024
Trade Republic für Neueinsteiger
I love how un-immersive this game can be.
How do you think Gen Z will age?
Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic in Seattle (Washington, USA) - photo by Eric Shalit
Is a van moof bike worth it for me? Hilly terrain - somewhat long commute
Dental School
NBD - My dorm finally looks like a student‘s place with this :D (Scott Speedster 40 EQ)
My cozy dorm setup
My tiny dorm :)
Es ist euer Boy Birkenstock
sky scraper
Now that they’re adding classes, it would be awesome to be able to play as these guys to have two class based gadgets instead of having a specialist gadget. Credit to @tenskgaming on Twitter.
They are Everywhere
Week 11 - Missions / All-Out-War / Store Bundle Items
Found in the comment section of a steam profile