Dear people in my dms
My name is Coo
I hate being this way
Ich bin 14 und verliebt
"Busen meiner Mitschülerin als Referenzgröße"
15m bored as hell
Your thoughts on stopping movies halfway through
what is the best response to a random person texting you?
Who would think to do such a thing
F*ck favorite songs. What is your least favorite song and why?
god forbid a girl be based asf
What change(s) has significantly improved your sex life?
Entdeckt: Neuer Filmfehlaaaaahhhhhh
Toupet für 8 Euro von Temu
Are you all really so touch and affection starved?
Mass protest in Serbia, 100,000 people demonstrating against a corrupt government
Would you date an extreme pop girl?
what if ovulation is not the only time a girl wants to have fun
How do I pee with a boner in the morning?
okay peepers gimme ur fav animal
Should I consider circumcision?