My bubgeh... won't stop shouting
My male pigeon trying to impress my female pigeon. But she walks away and asks me to pick her up 😂.
What’s one thing that your conure just can’t live without I’ll go first it’s sun flower seeds
A Wild Pigeon Ate From My Hand Today
Vet checkup and nail trim for Kiwi. He looks so pretty in sunlight 🦜
New bird won’t eat or drink?
Adira was dead, and then she came back to life. Sharing her incredible story!
My parents will NOT let me buy a separate cage for my new budgie, what do I do??
Spot the imposter 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦
You’re telling me this is a wild animal?
Does anyone know where I can buy these from? I had bought these in a pack if three for my birds and they like it but I don't know how to find more
Why do she look at me like this 🤔🤔
Hyperrealistic budgie art
What kind of succulent is this? Is it naturally pink or colored?
New bird has pet store smell
Should I take him with me to the college ?
Little man can't make up his mind
Had to pay birb tax today when I bought millet
I told them that kale is "treat treat"
Is there a name for the colour that Coco is?
Name ideas? (Still don’t know the gender)
Unnecessary screaming
A good breakfast is needed before spending the rest of the day making sure who is the boss in this house
My rescue boy Dorian had his first avian vet visit yesterday and he did fantastic!! + Advice
What Should I Do About Zitoune? Feeling Stuck