The only pic I could find where John doesn't look like he has a dentist appointment in 10 minutes
Scout trying to fly witha bike
Tis but a scratch
Don't you hate when this happens
There’s a starmaaaan waiting in the sky
I think I might be addicted to tf2
Hatsune Miku as Scout tf2 (OC) c:
What the actual fuck?
this guy never joined my dance , why this serious :(
I love the tf2 community
What's the dumbest weapon name you've died to?
I don't know doodoo about tf2 so ask my anything tf2 and I'll act like a veteran (image unrelated)
What's the one thing that kills conversation momentum to you the most? I'll start
team is pie 🥧
is there a way to make it so when i press a number key it automatically switches weapons?
I just found out you can add custom artworks to your steam games xD
piss ovaries fuck asshole titty cunt ovaries unfuckable titty erp retardant
Dije que no me llamaban los CoD, pero al final empecé a jugar al CoD MW1
Why the fuck is author more gain wearing pineapple? Is he crazy? duch
Im micahs brother ask me anything
Just brought the game ,any tips?
I guess these were his last words