Being my own doctor is exhausting
Describe your DLC Experience in 5 words
What would you do with a yard this steep?
luchtballon mv analysis ideas?
Ouders die zich aangevallen voelen door jouw gebrek aan kinderwens
help me please!
The Netherlands: Joost Klein "Not rehearsing until further notice"
Any Dutch person who can't ride a bike
If you were given the opportunity to have a Pokémon team, but you could only choose six Pokémon to accompany you for the rest of your life, what would be your options?
Sharon Tate shows off the nursery clothes purchased in London 1969
Which game made the best use of its "celebrity" guest?
Help identifying coat color.
Reasons why people are having fewer kids - pregnancy and childbirth?
Went in for induction... Already dilated!
Beyond the basics, what are you glad you brought to the hospital and what do you wish you’d brought?
Need help with combat
I’m the main character after all
My(40m) wife(37f) went on a girl's trip. I found a private message between her and her mother saying that she will divorce me if she comes and the house is dirty. How do I approach/confront her about it?
Is it true that your body changes after giving birth?
I think my mom's in danger!
Worst restaurant in The Netherlands?
AITA My mum consulted a paediatrician from a holiday video I sent
What can you tell me about my cat's genetics?
Partnerverlof en kraamweek als partner