CMV: Being cautious in certain situations is not racial prejudice.
the show adolescence isn't saying men=bad
Why is it required for men's hobbies to be inclusive to women but the same is not expected.
Netflix drama demonstrates that smartphones are poison for boys’ minds. Only boys minds.
Netflix “adolescence” attacks masculinity in the WORST way
Pro choice, can you tell me your reason for why your pro choice?
Nowadays feminism is mostly a form of man bashing. Imo.
Men don't handle rejection good... or do they?
What’s up with these anti male Netflix movies ?
what's your opinion on the new show "adolescence" on netflix?
what are some good fast paced books for an 18 year old in a reading slump?
Why most women(from my experience) are feminist?
what are the best places to take a guy for a first date?
Is the exclusive focus on the ‘manosphere’ reasonable when the ‘femosphere’ is also radicalising women?
Boys to get anti-misogyny lessons as TV drama Adolescence hits home
social life in first year
Men keep guilt tripping me for not wanting to have sex when I'm only 16
"All men"
feminism is just female advocacy
who's your current celebrity crush?
what are the best fast paced books with life lessons?
Suggest me an author where you rate at least 3 of their books 5 stars
what books have sobbing at 2am vibes?
people need to realize that the "male loneliness epidemic" is also a mental health crisis
women need to do more to support men – toxic feminism on TikTok is hurting everyone