What is a surprisingly low grade you got in gr11 or 12 despite getting accepted to uoft?
The jump from Grade 10 to Grade 11 is insane
[Grade 11 Chemistry: Reactions] Is this correct?
Is mynelson down for anyone else?
If anyone went to open houses today what did you like and dislike
What is wrong with u/motechoonke?
How was Utsc open house to the people who went
Did anybody go to the UTSC open house today?
What are ur thoughts abt the utsc campus?
ELI5: How do you know if a smell is “good” or “bad” if it’s just chemicals in the air?
Anyone take NBE3U in the summer?
70 in sbi3u, 77 in sch3u, can I comeback
I hate seeing gr11s complain
I have 0 passion and 0 ideas. Courses changes happen this week.
What should I major in?
how last period on a friday feels
UTSG Life Sciences Class of 29 discord server
someone make a utsc life sci gc
UTSC Life sciences class of 2029 discord server
so tired
ramadan is hard
Why do McDonald's fries taste so good?
Just got a 50 in a bio test
uoft count ur days