Give me a character that can beat this guy
The fact that there was never a dramatic finish with gt goku and roshi recreating the jackie chun fight is criminal
Please don't shoot the messenger, one of the buddyrath discord users made this
What Dragon Ball take in this fandom made you go like this?
What's one peeve you have with a good skin? I'll start:
how do i snap ghost face out of his power? and how do i avoid being snapped out of the power? its very weird
“nooo goku’s not a bad dad arghh”
Deadlock detected
As someone who knows literally nothing about tokyo ghoul, can someone explain why kaneki is asking me math questions while ripping my guts out?
People saying that the handler says we did it all the time, even though she says it three times.
One leaves, another joins
Ive played Deathslinger on the new PTB and i dont remember him being able to do that
The Ghoul mori
DBD's recent roster feels like a fever dream and i'm all for it.
When someone describes dante as wacky wahoo pizza man
Seniors, I have yet again introduced someone to the divine scripture.
Wow a new cloak and dagger skin already?!
I can’t say his name out loud…
My GOATs washed? You should apologize to them rn
Everyone hates Nata but where is the hate for this guy!? I want to main a hammer just to hit him with it!
My buddy just tole me he wants to main chargeblade and bow. This was my response
How come so many DB Fans get so irrationally angry when people say "Piccolo is black coded." I've encountered so many people who seem to get so upset just by someone saying those four words.
MC suffered so much 😔
Yeah imma take my 5 minute ban
How does ebony and ivory never run out of bullets?