Polychain: anyone tried it?
What hardware synthesizers have the best design (in terms of appearance) in your opinion?
What has happened to steam?
There is that one thing I always wanted in every BF game: destroyed vehicles not disappearing
Modular soft synth recommendations
Hydrasynth haters, show me what I'm missing! (polysynth recs ~$1500)
What was the most underwhelming synth you’ve played? Mine was the Moog Voyager.
Is there a Multitimbral (4 parts?) VA synth which also supports sampling where I can load my own samples?
What was your first synth?
Access virus discontinued what now?
Argon8M owner looking for an all-rounder companion, suggestions?
Just got these at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet
Should the next battlefield include a Moog Minimoog Model D Synthesizer with 3 VCOs with selectable waveforms and 1 VCF, 1 VCA, 2 EG’s?
I don't know how to stop Brave from Syncing open tabs in real time
what was your favorite BF3 dlc?
Game like Outer Wilds, not necessarily space themed
Key Difference between FW46 and FW47
Is there any way to keep windows size permanent/pinned to the desktop?
Is there any multitimbral modern synth that works like the Virus TI, allowing it to be used as a VST with multiple simultaneous tracks?
Does Studio One have Native modulation… yet?
We can totally appreciate both styles right?
On the search for a bridal makeup artist and hairstylist
Is anyone into customising the look of their synths?
Found this very old screenshot of one of my starting cities in CS1, just realized it kinda looks like some alien art and wanted to share.
Mac Studio just updated to Sequoia 15.2 and now macOS thinks I'm extending a display, but I only have one main display... Is this normal?