Job offer grading rubric!
Last update: The new grad guidebook is finally published!
Meds for radicular symptoms
Is there a minimum amount of time you should do a rhythm check during a code
Emergency medicine residency for APPs
Any design inspiration recs for simple homes?
How many of you all are actually happy with your career choice?
What do you spend your CME money on?
Neurological Examination
How do you manage patients with a lot of concerns?
Now this is a lowball offer.
Any PAs Who Transitioned to Teaching Anatomy? Looking for Insights!
Best job / worst job as a PA?
Definitive guide to "what labs mess up other labs"?
What are causes of non traumatic acute abdominal pain that CT abdomen and pelvis cannot be identified?
Teach me about RVUs
How to live internationally but still work as a US physician assistant
More resources for soon to be new grads (crosspost)
The high-risk medication list (practical medical education)
Fellowship Personal Statement
Please help me get through IM
What question(s) to ask about malpractice insurance?
Did you do a Emergency Medicine Fellowship? Tell me more.
Do you regret becoming a PA? Any PAs who have switched to a non clinical role?
Advice for orientation period in ED