How hard did Garnet have to squeeze Peridot to poof her since she's too tough?
Rebecca Sugar confirmed that they decided to reduce Lapis' screen time because she was taking all the ratings from the other CN shows
Who does this guy play in ATLA or LOK
Does Steven Universe have any plot holes?
Does anyone remember the old white and pink diamond character design speculation🤣
What If Pearl's shards in the EP Frybo are from the 'Armour of the Fallen' in Rose's Armoury
What was Garnet destroying in together breakfast?
Sunstones design in SU future is a bit weird
I'm watching Change Your Mind and in these to scenes Blue changes
When steven woke up in lars Body he said 'oo I'm naked' and then before that lars has a magazine on his chest
What is up with the world Map?
I was watching SU and I noticed. Why does Jasper's character art change from scene to scene?
Has anyone noticed how height in s1 and s2 is always changing?
Does anyone know what Peridot meant in this scence
I've been rewatching some shows and started SU again but as I'm watching I realised something....
What is this flag I have been searching for ages and can't find it i saw it and couldn't take a picture of it. It's like the one below but it's rectangle and goes to the edges not just in the midle
Goodbye 2023, Happy New 2024!