I bought pizza with fries because I'd never seen it before
How’s this game doing?
Carried by Hellwalker from lvl20 to MH1
Men of Reddit, how would you feel if you were called “beautiful” instead of “handsome”?
New rip-off game
What is a tv show you think everyone forgot about ?
Would T-1000 be able to withstand M134 minigun fire?
How feasible do you think invisibility cloaks (via active camo or metamaterials) actually could be in the future?
Is Deadpool considered a mutant or a mutate?
Well, that's quite contradicting eh
Which one of these 3 would win in an all out fight?
Make buffaloes more peaceful in Way of Winter
Resupply rover booster idea! Anyone else want a robot freind bringing them supplies?
Do we even Still like Ben Linus, or is he just a person we all love to hate?
PSA: Careful about using emojis in the discord server. They'll ban you.
what is happening with my house
Useless Legendaries?
Status Damage & Weapon Damage Reduction in PVE
God Roll | Boom Sickle
When you die, what do you want your friends/family to do with your body?
how many of you know that super earth uses child labour?
WHY do they keep doing this to us? When can we get some skins actually in line with the games genre???
Finally got the accurate body gear for Leon Kennedy
All Fragpunk Codes in ONE Place (Fully Updated!) 🚀
Beyond B-Unit - Rubinkowski