Aitj for not letting my neighbor not use my power?
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Neighbor kid constantly hits balls into my yard, even with the help of his parents.
SOLGW lower and MRP upper fitment
How do you personally cope with the realization that innocent people are dying in war while the world just watches and debates?
Charging handle recommendations
New LMT owner
What BCG fits MARSH
Would you pay $700 for this?
Isn't it ironic (Don't'cha Think?)
AITA for sending my now ex to jail
Went a lil crazy.
Body armor through security
Lost ID
Moms gonna call the school tomorrow cause I've been skipping, what to do?
Am I going to go to jail for seeking vengeance on my ex?
What's the strangest thing you have seen someone do at the gym?
What’s the story behind this Colt “Light Carbine” marking?
Just picked up my first LMT - share your CQB builds
Neighbor and her reactive dog are gonna make me LOSE IT - WWYD?
*face palm*
Is this all I need for the polonium k to fit on my gun? Am I missing anything ? Are all these parts compatible? Sorry am noob. This is my first suppressor so I’m a little confused
First Staking
CZ 75 milled slide