I'm very glad i found this subreddit
Work LO
I Desperately Want The "ick"
Limerence as fuelled by the strength of grief of love we never got
Do you people also have ADHD?
Has anyone seen their LO post on here?
hope to reach this stage someday
“Work Wednesdays”: A weekly discussion thread for people who experience(d) limerence in the workplace:
cut ties with a friend who was struggling financially and I don't know if I should reach to him again
Being delusion and aware at the same time
Maybe I am in limerence after all. I believe I’ve been in denial
I always feel depressed when not at work
Jesus saved me from limerence and severe shame and guilt
Limerence can die of starvation?
Talk me out of it
Does limerance take 1-3 years to get rid off?
anyone know why there are thousands of kids running around?
Any success with medication?
Bravery is the best solution
why would my brain do this to me?
LO gave me the ick!
Help me tell my LO that I need to go NC