Oh no
Its Overit (Ovarit is permanently shutting down)
attention seeking post
Don’t turn into your wife
I hope she has a totally cool day!
Soda stream da sau nu?
If you think these are actually good, you're the reason why America is getting soft. 🤦♂️
Do not touch anything if it works! I REPEAT! Do not touch anything!
eMAG is a Romanian alternative to Amazon, in Eastern Europe. It operates in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria and a few other countries via merger with Extreme Digital.
Y’know what maybe hair and cosmetics are 90% of passing
Place your bets
Socially acceptable countries to have been born in
When a user sends in a ticket with a screenshot of an error along with instructions on how to resolve it
A true "What are we paying these guys for?" plus "You can't make this stuff up." moment.
Which would you be born in
My little cis brother … is into trans women …
Quick Fix - Gator Days (OC)
Is 256 oddly specific hmmm
'Your presense made it start working'
I downloaded the authenticator app like you said and...
Europe needs you now! Join us!
I’m doing this instead of my drawing homework