Updated my procedural planet generator that allows you to make the planet surface into a map! (Plus a tutorial video!)
I'm 23 now! Drew this for the occasion.
Williant thinks he's a monster
Waxer dances to one of Liladen's ragtime compositions
Aridus counting reasons to be worried about something
Recent character! Mardery, a reserved accountant.
Milton can pack a punch
A new profile pic for the new year. Really wanted to do something steampunk
Over the Mountains
I drew Mehdi
Aridus isn't quite sure... (Digital colorover of a traditional sketch)
Thought about how firebreathing works for a couple of my characters
Cooking for a hobby by me
Williant likes to cook for a hobby, but won't admit he really enjoys it in front of other people.
Aridus may look angry when making calculations and brainstorming, but he's just focusing.
Doing a small series of my characters and their hobbies. Sarafin enjoys painting.
Aridus next to an average Air-Dragul in my setting!
Another side character, Senator Flamgen! A greedy businessman who does corrupt deeds in secret.
Recently updated a character of mine, Malgan Cesnick!
Milton and Williant, his newly hired muscle for the group
Happy Halloween from my ocs!
Smaugust prompt 24- Symbiosis. A Land-Dragul lets dustbirds perch in his horns to peck off mud bits.
Milton and Aridus (Boss and scientist employee)
Milton and Aridus