Did the writers know about the boat kiss from the beginning or was it just an unhappy coincidence?
Obsessed psycho male leads are so boring now
MMC's similar to Jack from love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
So long since FMC had sex?
Just how long were the filming gaps between seasons??
Dear authors, 50+ is not old.
reverse harem where the FMC gets pregnant by one of the guys but ends up disappearing from their lives and then they meet again
I have a problem...I can't read books with not-rich average men anymore lol
"Grovel" book where the grovel doesn't actually work and the FMC moves on and finds a better guy
When SHE'S the one with commitment issues and he just wants to love her unconditionally
What do you think of Korean beauty standards?
What is with the huge personality differences between fat/skinny monica?
Does the FMC from {A Deal with the Bossy Devil} change?
Who was the best long-term chief of surgery?
I never understood chandler's love/hate relationship with janice
Forgot the name of this book, help pls
Fictional romance book-ception?
When the main leads have soo much in common that you don't doubt that they're perfect for each other 😭
When you're reading reviews on goodreads and the 1 star ones are what make you pick up the book lol
Your thoughts on kallmekris booktok drama?
FL who DESPISES manwhores and doesn't give them ML a chance as he begs and cries for her to do so lol
Don't age gaps where the young one is 18 seem creepy to anyone else?
Yo JJ, are we gonna get some content like this, this year?
How many doctors got seriously sick/injured during this show? How many times and which doctors?