Won a locals with my favorite deck!
My storage solution so far for Marvel Zombicide.
Who should I use use for an off meta tournament? ct
I released an iOS app for tracking your collection and building decks! Introducing Log Pose!
Borin Stormcaller - my latest fella
Building a Red Sanji Deck
Trying to catch up after being away from the game for a while. Just missing Infinity Saga and What If… now!
New to OPTCG How can i improve this deck.
"Fix" for Bad Allocation (300MB+ IPA file)
Deck builders with more oomph?
C4C Aus Hattrick
I have a problem
Should I sell box used or sell mini's individually?
Day 0
switch bug
Looking for a new D&D podcast recommendation after finishing Season 1? [ns]
Feeling a little lost... [ns]
Highly disappointed with season2 [ns]
2 new missions per month planned though the year according to the latest newsletter
Just played Marvel Zombies yesterday and I have a few questions
So did Episode 4 live up to the hype?
Why couldn't Atom Eve beat literally anyone in a fight?
[OC] Marvel Zombies Randomizer
PSA on Devour
Huion Kamvas 22 plus problem - Usb not recognized