People who DONT support trump: what could he do to gain your support?
How do you find what you like about yourself again?
A lot of people who are just sad say they are depressed
how do you deal with a friend who is a pathological liar?
If you could instantly cancel one social norm,what would it be?
What is a kink that you don’t have but would be willing to give a go if your partner asked you?
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Like how can you just get over it I don’t get it
Is it cheating if you only hire an escort?
If thoughts were visible like speech bubbles, how different would the world be?
People who cut off family members, why did you do it?
What have you had to call emergency services for?
I wonder how people feel after telling social media they were cheated on, then they stay with the person
would u date a bisexual guy?
People who scream when they get scared, Why????
What hobbies do you have?
What are your favourite things to do together after sex?
Men of ARAD, is "nutting in your pants" just an expression, or has someone here ever shot a load in their pants?
How do you cook your bacon?
how can i stop procrastinating getting my homework done, i would prefer to do it as soon as i can but i cant help but wait until the day its due or the day before its due
What are your productive hobbies?
Ladies how do you feel about your partner still having photos with their exes on their phones?
For those who engage, what are your thoughts on making out with someone with facial hair?
How did you realized you are alone?
What make you smile instanly?