Trying to get them all. Comment other anime and how to get them.
How has this never been discovered?
So, How about that city?
I made a game where you _______ OWE
Did you hear about that guy who is dating _____? OWE
Did you hear about that guy who is dating _____?
A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once. Let’s make one. OWE
Give me a sentence, but you can only use words that start with the last letter of your username. OWE
Make new word. If you say goodbye, you give definition and pronunciation. Rule: the nth letter has to be the nth letter of your username. If you don’t have an nth letter you are forced to say goodbye or don’t reply.
Make new word. If you say goodbye, you give definition and pronunciation. Rule: Words are Acronyms (abbreviations pronounced as a word)
I saw ooooooooo I’m blinded by the ________
Let’s try again. Use only the first letter of your username. Make up a new word. Person who says goodbye has to give a definition. If someone breaks the username rule, do not reply to them. Just reply to the person before and downvote rule breaker.
Make a new word. If you say goodbye, then you give definition. This time the last letter in your username.
Let’s do this again. Make a new word. The person who says goodbye has to give it a definition. This time you can only use the first letter of your username.
Give me a sentence, but you can only use words that start with the first letter of your username. OWE
I just want to _______________. OWE
REPLY with the LAST letter of your username.
_____ tastes better creamy.
What do I name my new pet rock?
u/_______ is secretly P. Diddy
u/_____ has the smelliest farts.
This ai hates me
I asked my ___ out on a date.
What is the world?