My one post on here blew up and I loved all the support I got from you guys. You are all awesome! Here’s another picture for you all. Just got my beard trimmed. I feel and look great!
Who should I add next?
What does the mini fridge that's within an arm's reach of my bed say about me?
does anyone else dislike plucking and cutting fresh parsley😂
What are some acronyms or sayings your restaurant uses for funny/functional communication?
The Land Before Time
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
guess what i do for a living
What’s the first movie you think of when you see Steve Buscemi?
I drew my Boondock OC since she looked a little bit too much like Jazmine earlier. Feel free to critique if I need to make some tweaks. I’m naming her Nia.
I have judged many a fridge in this sub…
Which actor, mainly known for their supporting acting roles do you prefer more?
What does the mini fridge next to my bed say about me?
Forbidden Chocolate Pudding
What movie fits this for you?
What's the first game that comes to mind when thinking of the PlayStation 2
Cartoon Network was at its peak in the late 90s
What did you call him? 😭
Why are my steaks at home so much better than restaurants?
Working shifts in your dreams
Bday dinner 🔥
Movie protagonist(s) who is/are low (high?) key terrible?
What movie makes you cry every time?