How far did his castle project actually get?
Legendary Bodybuilder Tom Platz recalls how he almost got away with competing with a torn bicep in 1982 at the Mr Olmypia.
Marie Curie presenting her new creation for the WWI effort: the X-Ray car. With this, doctors had another tool to see or check for injuries and save lives. Photos circa 1914.
Little girl being helpped to get into her little kimono, circa 1956. From kodachrome slides.
Elton Jon dancing with Cheryl Rixon at the Xenon Club New York, 12 of June 1978
Kodachrome shots of people vacationing at Lord Howe Island, 1961.
Actor Christopher Reeve training to get back in shape for "Superman IV", 1987.
Chronophotographic Gun, created by Étienne Jules Marey in 1882, one of the first ways to capture movement.
Old fashion icecream shop in the 1940s.
Canadia service women during WWII, kodachrome shots of 1940s.
Dancer/Actress Brigitte Bardot at the Cannes film Festival to promote her film "Manina, la fille sans voiles", 15-29 of April 1953, Kodachrome shots. This was at the begining of her career as an actress
Woman holds her baby while sitting at the edge of where she is allow to be, Circa 1950s.
Lido Beach Florida (Sarasota Island) in 1949. Kodachrome shots of an event at the beach.
Lady Ashburton (1866-1904), née Mabel Edith Hood. at the Devonshire ball, 2 of July of 1897. Dress made in white satin, with a girdle of diamonds, White brocade velvet and edged with silver! Same with the veil edges and the gloves.
Marie of Baden, Princess of Leiningen in a portrait with a painted background, 1860.
Twins posing for a portrait, they look like teens ahd are using their hair lose, circa 1880s
2 Ladies being helpped to do the riding in the frame trick. I would say by the looks of their clothes maybe 1900s
Unknown lady with short hair in a double photo, circa 1904-10s.
Some ladies photographed in 1863 by Mathew Brady. specially like the first one with her very elaborate headress
Traditional Russian clothes in the XIX century. some from different regions of the Empire, circa 1880s-90s
Austrian actress Marie Schleinzer (1874-1949) in her excentric "Bat-woman" dress, made with real taxidermy bats. Circa 1900s
Actress Maude Adams as Napoleon II in her full Austrian uniform and as Peter pan on the production in 1906. Napoleon II was from a few years earlier.
Girl poses with her huge dog for a portrait, there is a painted background on the back, circa 1890s. what kind of race is that huge black dog?
The dare sister Zena & Phyllis Dare. Both would go on to have big careers with one retiring very early, 1905.
Actress Sophia Loren in costume test from the film "Countess of Hong Kong" with Marlon Brando, 1967.