Greedy swamp "people" lore
Oof... 🇨🇵🇺🇸
Did you know anyone that had the T-Rex back then? It was like the Holy Grail in my neighborhood
It's crime fighting time! (C.O.P.S., 1988)
I never hear or see anything about Ring Raiders (1989). Does anyone remember this at all or is it very obscure?
Máxima maakt einde aan friet/patat-discussie: 'Het is friet'
Who’s going to tell Stavros?
Which would you pick?
BENELUX appreciation thread. (No PIGS allowed)
Wtf is the Dutch language
Do we get to reclaim Zeeuws-Vlaanderen from the traitors after the war?
Honorary French
The much feared army of Finland. Anything that gets close will get fucked
how it feels being European rn
Kaiser Wilhelm II smoking a cigarette 1913
Anyone else want to see a 200X King Grayskull in the masterverse line? Maybe a New Eternia version even?
So Germany is like a battle royale zone from 22:01 to 9:59?
Average interaction with a Scandavian.
Europe dominates again
Swedes are based for once. I have stopping going to Starbucks and McDonalds for months now. They suck anyway
Swedes launch boycott of US goods in response to recent policy shifts
Cute Gemma (@Hong)
Which European language or regional version of a language is this for you?
I'm sure there is no resentment anymore, right?
Just give Up france for that
Welke plek geven wij op?
We get it, you love each other... Just don't make us watch please.
It seems we are still allies.. >.>
Always allies