AMD 7700 XT or RTX 4060 TI
alguien sabe por que pasa esto
1999 version?
"A graphics card and driver with support for OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required." I have an Intel HD graphics 3000 (Acer) and the driver is updated to the latest. Is there an alternate version of blender or any other software which I can use?
Projection mapping but ONLY in blender
is there a way I can import modern OBJs in old blender?
Is rendering with default studio light possible?
Why are the seams showing on the Material? It's a loaded in material, and has been uv mapped into two front sides of jacket pieces and 1 back.Thank you
Should AI make me hesitate learning Blender?
Where is the decimate algorithm in blender source code? (for developers or people that know code stuff)
Is there a way to make textures etched into a model?
Are fluid sims broken in Blender?
How do i converte a grease pencil to a mesh?
Base setting Viewpoint shading solid is invisible
How do I import this model with all its textures??
Textures not showing in material preview
How can I make faces connecting these vertices?
How to allign faces together?
Get extensions not showing
What causes this. I dont know if its a setting or just my pc
Simulation of mixing of powder and Water.
Lines only show in Object mode
Is there any smart way to really delete the spline in geonodes ?
Make vertices act as nodes when subdividing.
Can someone help me figure out how to activate this option?