Question about behaviour of 7 month Dobie Mix Lucy 🎀
How to travel with doberman and family
How much longer should he live?
I’m hoping to get a better response here. Please be kind.
Luke 4 months Luke’s sister needs a home owner my friend cannot keep her any suggestions what to do
Luke at 15 weeks getting big 17 lbs at 2 months now 4 months 42 lbs is this normal weight gain?
My 11 month old was run-up on AGAIN. How do you keep you and your dobe safe?
My baby got his ears cropped, not sure how to feel
Rae has been my best friend for about 9 months and I love her more each day.
What dry food do you give your dobie?
Sweet angel old girl I rescued
Luke’s ears are funny what do you think they sit on top of his head
My 8 year old Doberman has to get fixed
Puppy Question
Adopted Adult German Shepherd. Need Advice Please
Luke 3 months
Cozy boy
Whose dog is this???
Doberman has bump on back of neck
My doberman screams at night
Woman fakes a Doberman bite
[deleted by user]
Rescued this little red Doby. 42 lbs and 2 yrs. She's a lil luvy bug! 😍
Let’s see some doberboys
Is she a Doberman?