Half of Canadians favour joining EU — Carney says Canada is 'the most European of non-European countries'
How do ik if I committed blasphemy of holy spirt?
The 👏🏻 Housing 👏🏻 Market 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 Free
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Generations are determined by big events and regions of origin and not by randomly placed 15 year cycles.
We’ll get through this 💪
Why do so many people insist that scholasticism (or classical philosophy) has already been "disproved"?
How does this make you feel Pt. 2
Normalize phone calls again, lol
How do I stop worrying that god is not real
For us regards, hard work is the great equalizer
What can the world’s most walkable cities teach other places?
What is Christian existentialism?
When you are the only cool one in a family of nerds
Do you believe dinosaurs existed?
Did Aquinas adhere to divine conceptualism?
An argument for natural law over and against legal positivism?
What are the main arguments against Palamism, and counterarguments to potential Orthodox arguments?
Christians can't be gamers!
Clearance booze coming soon in Canada folks
45% of America's entire alcohol export market just disappeared
Why not both?
On Natural Law ethics
I feel like many questions on here are not philosophical.