Somebody get this kind man a cape!! I'm glad I tailed! One step closer to buying my kid a house! Thank you sir. #determined
[Soccer] 90% positive This should hit
Round robin it
Tail...maybe it hits...maybe not
Early Morning Wins
if this doesn’t hit i’m never betting again
50 to win 5k 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Bless you ❤️
Tailed somebody here let's see what happens
Cash or stay
Coby will sell me right ?
Cash or hold ?
Cash or Hold
Damn so close lol
First big win on sports betting
Claiming the the hit before the hit lol
Luke sold me lol
Winner... best night ever
Who's going to sell me ? I'm thinking Jarrett 😩
Pipe dreams
5 made threes is the bet to beat
Downtown Jackpot ??
Please let this leg hit....
Why did my dumbass put Bradley Beal on a slip?
I saw someone post, Insane payout