Just finished book 8 and wanted to share my opinion
So I just finished book 8 and I have some points/opinions that I wanted to share. Keep in mind I really love the books and characters, but there are just some things I love more and some that I love less 😅
I don't like the general direction that the book is heading to. I liked it more when they were in the academy. Since they left, it's heading in a direction I think in general is a bit unbelievable and "unrealistic".
I think the whole thing how Tory brought Darius back is a bit unbelievable. Like I can't imagine her having so much power. I mean, I love that he's back, but this whole thing about the ether kind of made no sense to me.
I just HATE the way Geraldine talks. I always kinda scip her gibberish talk. I really think it makes her look kinda stupid
I think the villains are so overpowered. Like Lavinia and Tharix and now Clynidius. I see now believable way, how they can defeat the in the next book
I really like Seth and Caleb together. For me it's totally cute and believable. But maybe that's a bit of an unpopular opinion.
The Chapter in Lionels Pov when Lavinia f*cked him. SO GROSS!!!
Last one, I think everybody, agrees on. Book 8 was just tooo long and way to much grief. I really struggled to get through ist.
I would love to hear your opinions!
(It's my first time sharing something on Reddit 😊)