Goodbye, WFH!

I started a WFH job through the company I’ve been with for almost 4 years in November 2024. I was super excited because I was commuting about 45 minutes to my work site 5-6 days per week, so I would be saving money on gas and wear and tear on my vehicle. The pay was a little less, but to be able to do (what I thought) was the same work from the comfort of my own home with equipment provided seemed to be a great opportunity.

When I first started, there were a lot of hiccups with IT that I figured were pretty normal so I didn’t let it bother me. As we started training, our cameras were required to be on for the first 2 weeks and we weren’t able to leave our workspaces unless it was during a scheduled break. If we did, we had to put in chat we were “brb” and they tracked how many times we left and how long we were gone for - literally by the second. The trainers never had their cameras on but they continuously watched us like a hawk.

Now, I live in a 2B2B apartment with my boyfriend, however we don’t share the same room so both rooms are occupied with beds and furniture. I had no room to put a desk and all the required equipment into that room (also had to be hardwired so it wouldn’t have worked in that room) so I have my set up in the dining room. It was fine for me, until we received an email from one of the main supervisors requesting multiple pictures of our workspace for approval. Ultimately my workspace was approved, but they made me buy a new desk chair (the chair I was using wasn’t ergonomic enough for their standards) and a room divider to put around the dining room (a pain the ass to set up, by the way). And before you ask, no, I was not reimbursed for having to buy any of this. I would have definitely prepared more if I knew what exactly they were expecting, but the WFH policies and guidelines did not outright specify what they were looking for in specific.

Fast forward to after training, I realized WFH isn’t really for me. I liked the idea of waking up only minutes before my shift, saving on gas, and napping in my own bed during breaks, but there was too much surveillance. They watched your every move, how idle you are, how productive you are. We didn’t have our cameras on anymore after training, but with the amount of watching the supervisors did we might as well should’ve just had them on. It was nothing like what I was doing while on site. All the metrics were individual based, and shortly after my training they put me on a “success plan” because I wasn’t working fast enough. I wasn’t eating right, sleeping right, hell I felt even my hygiene was taking a hit. I was outright miserable not being able to see anyone or talk to anyone besides clients. It was a tough transition, and I realized it just wasn’t for me.

My last day is the 28th working from home, to which I will be going to working back on site (with more pay too). I really give props to those who can be happy and work from home. Maybe it’s just the company I work for, or just myself as an individual, but I don’t see myself looking for any WFH opportunities again in the near future. It was definitely an experience and I’m glad I was able to be home for a few months while working, but I would rather commute and be happy doing what I do than be miserable and stay at home.

They say to separate work life from home life, and I think that’s near to impossible to do when my workspace is only feet away from my bedroom door. I hope this doesn’t discourage others from working from home as I think with the right company and the right mindset it can be a wonderful opportunity, but definitely consider all pros and cons before making the switch. I wish I did.