Why are men so threatened by intelligent women

I'm smart. I've got two degrees. I'm talented, I've travelled alone, I have a well-paying career, I'm opinionated, I am confident in who I am and I know my values. I seem to repel men.

Sooo many men I've met over the years can't handle me being authentically me: strong, secure, likeable, honest. Why? What is making them so insecure?

I'm not a damsel and I'm not looking for a man to save me. I want a partner who knows I've got this and is proud to be by my side. I'll respect him in the same way!

I'm just so tired of irresponsible dude bros who can't handle women seeing through all their crap they won't own or work on. Grow up.

Anybody else feel the same way?

EDIT: Ladies you did NOT hold back, thank you for absolutely slaying the patriarchy in these comments and telling it like it is. We’re all done, aren’t we? You rule!