Why is getting simple over-the-counter medicine in the pharmacy so complicated?

Can someone explain to me how pharmacies and over-the-counter medication actually work in Vienna? Because I still don’t get it. Every time I go to a pharmacy for something basic like painkillers, cold medicine or anything for inflammation, I get hit with unnecessary drama. It’s like they really don’t want to give me actual medicine. Three different pharmacists have tried to push overpriced plant extracts on me instead of just handing me the standard meds that are commonly available over the counter. If I have an infection, I don’t need chamomile tea and calendula extract, I need medicine. Like actual pharmaceutic chemicals with an actual nameable Wirkstoff. I cannot wait three weeks for a doctor’s appointment just to get something that should be available over the counter. Why is everything locked behind a prescription? I don’t want homeopathic nonsense. I don’t want a lecture. I just want to buy the medication I need and go home. What am I missing here?

Edit: thanks for everyone's replies. I'm not crazy and I'm not a junkie either. My problem seems to be that what is considered OTC medicine in other countries is not in Austria, making even simple medication requiring a prescription.