As a society, we need to completely revise our time systems. It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for a little bit

So many of our time systems are arbitrary, outdated, and confusing. I'm not even talking about daylight savings, I mean the way our minutes, hours, days, and years are measured.

Most blatantly, a week is 7 days, a number that doesn't evenly go into the length of any unit greater than it. A "month" is a useless measure of anything, because it is usually 30 days, sometimes its 31, once a year it's 28 (at least 7 goes into 28), and once every four years, most bizarrely, its 29 days. Again, none of those numbers go into 365, which's only factors are 5 and 73.

The moon's phases repeat every 29.5 days, while it's orbit is only 27.3 days, so there's no consistent, convenient way to measure the state of the moon, so it's not useful to base a calendar off of.

A day is made up of 24 segments, which are made of 60 segments, which are then made of 60 segments, which are then divided into 1000 segments. Assuming we're sticking with base 10 number systems, (which, for that matter, is just as arbitrary), this is nonsensical.

A year starts on January 1st, which is a completely random date. It's so close to two important dates, the winter solstice on the 21st/22nd of December, and the distance at which the earth is furthest from the sun, January 3rd. It could easily be moved to a date that actually matters, but it's not, it's completely fucking random. If the start of the year was moved to the 22nd of December, then the year will either end or begin on the winter solstice.

Years are supposedly measured from the "Birth of christ". The actual birth of christ is generally agreed to be 3-4 BC. So thats also bullshit.

There isn't really an objective reference date we could set as "Zero", my suggestions would be either the invention of agriculture, the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact, the formation of the Sun, or the creation of the universe, but we dont know the exact date of any of those. So 0 BC might as well work. Then again, we don't actually know exactly when Christ was born, so whatever.

I don't have all the solutions to this problem, but at the very least, I feel I have identified it. It makes sense why our systems are incoherent, they were invented by different cultures over the course of thousands of years, all mashed together. But we might as well fix them, you know?