Ideas for more flyers
-can climb (not leap tho)
-can swim very well like beipi expect the jump thingy its used to start up to flying
-it can search for bubbles like beipi but it does it bit better cause it doesnt need to get on a bottom of a lake to do this just scent
-can do short but very quick fly up or fly down move (fly up of corse wastes some stam) its very quick for doing and etc.
Also it wont be as small as shown on a picture maybe around 20kg
Reson why i got jw version of it cause i think it also should gain in size and power.
-it can fly down to strike dinos few times bigger than him by ramming in them with his beak (it will knockdown your flyer but you will get up very fast unlike the dino you hit). Power of it depend on how much speed u gain and sometimes it can insta kill dinos 3x bigger (its super risky if you hit the ground with that power it deals quite a lot of damage to you but it wont insta kill you)
-it isnt so good of a fisher man anymore and it has harder time catching fish.
-it can climb
-it preys on other pterosauroid and land animals but schooling fish are on his diet
-it has a lot of stam making up for not being able to hunt fish that well
It will be little bigger than Rhamp around 30-35kg
It herbivore/omnivore
-it will be able to latch on trees (it will have food on some trees)
-it technically still will be able to fish but also not that well
-it will have mechanic where it will disrupt your hearing for short time and your vision for very short time (for smaller dinos if to close can csuse ear bleed wnich will do some damage but if you have 70% for example you wont lose any hp to it depends on your weight)
-it will be able to gain energy by gliding but it wont be a fast flyer but pretty big one
-it will have a peck that can stun/ragdoll 50% bigger targets
It weights around 120 kg and has pretty strong peck attack
It will be very big pterosauroid and it will be kidda based on eagle.
-it will be able to fight of some bigger dinos like omni when being a bit of glass cannon
-wont have very good speed but instead it will be very strong for a flyer.
-if pinned by adult omni it will be able to peck the omni to get it of.
-it can use speed for its advantage to do more damage and etc but it wont increase that much compare to dimorphodon
-it still can sort of well catch fish and pretty good swimmer but lacks in speed for that
-can latch on tree but cant climb
It will weight 100 kg
I thought about buffing pteranodon size to 60kg