How do I go about shaving?
So I’ve had leg hair for like 3 years now and have never put any real thought into shaving but since its been getting warmer outside girls at my school have been asking why I haven’t shaved my legs yet. I don’t usually fall for peer pressure but it seems all my friends have shaved already and I just don’t want to feel like I’m different. So I’ve got a couple of questions that I’d like answered please and thank you: 1. Should I ask my dad for a new razor or do I ask to use one of his (idk if like boy vs girl razors are any different) also is there any best way to ask without it feeling awkward? 2. During shaving does it matter if my legs are dry/wet or would I need shaving cream (my dad has some but he uses it on his face so idk if it’d be the same with legs) 3. How much of my leg should I shave like up to my knee or mid thigh idk 4. Should I also shave my armpits too? Like I never wear tank tops but should I anyways 5. Thsi probably should have been my second question but which way do I shave like do I go up or down
If you’ve answered even just one thanks for the help in advance it feels so much easier to ask these things anonymously than with the people at school.