god i hate volcarona

Clarification: Yes there are ways to beat Volc in every gen. There are enough ways that it isn't even a top tier in every gen where it is OU legal. I still hate facing it.

I just want to rant about how Volcarona adds stress to games that literally no other mon can. Let's picture a scenario. You are using a Ferrothorn. The other player has a 10% health Landorus and just clicked U-turn into it. By all means, this should be great for you, you just got to kill their Lando while doing absolutely nothing! Except, they have a Volcarona so this now a completely losing position for you. Letting another team member take that U-turn also would have been a losing position. Fuck you, you don't get to win. By being able to take games if it gets to set up and being able to use about a quarter of the meta as set up opportunities, Volc ends up feeling a bit like a trapper to me. Like, in Gen 3 OU, you can't use Raikou or you have to pay the Dugtrio tax. Well in Gen 6 you can't use AV Tang or you have to pay the Volcarona tax except this time you might lose your entire team for it.

And like it just gets worse every gen bc people eventually found out that you could EV Volc super bulky and give it safeguard, so stray priority and status stops being an effective way to stop it. Or even if it isn't EV'd bulky, you could just smack it and burn yourself and now your phys attacker is yet another mon Volc can use as set up bait. Once again, I don't intend to paint Volcarona as impossible to beat. Sneaky Pebbles are free, after all. But how does anyone not get annoyed by this thing existing in a gen that they like? How did anyone not rejoice when it got banned from Gen 9?