What if U-turn got dexited like Toxic?



U-turn is arguably the best pivoting move because there is no way to stop it from doing its job. It always pivots no matter what type the enemy is. It's also the most widely distributed for some reason. If U-turn's distribution was a Bug-exclusive move, it could give them a cool niche as the most reliable pivoters.

Increasing the risk of pivoting seems like a healthy change since it removes a brainless click. Now you need to decide if it's worth the risk of running into a Ghost type. Most U-turn users (Meow, Pult, Moon, Rilla) have a strong move to hit Ghosts anyways, so it becomes a mindgame.

Slow double Bug weak Pokemon would also hopefully be more viable. No longer being accidentally punished by a common move sounds like a good deal to me. Could my goat Wo Chien make it out of PU? Hoopa-U to OU?

I decided to make the replacement move 60bp since it gives some mid technician Pokemon interesting options. I doubt that a 90bp normal type pivot move would break the game in the same way that Scizor would if U-turn was 60bp.

Would this be a positive change?

Would the viability of any Pokemon be majorly shifted?

Would this niche help certain bug types like Lokix or is it not important enough to change teambuilding decisions?