What moves deserve a distribution nerf? (totally not biased in favor of bugs I swear)
Toxic’s distribution nerf was one of, if not probably the largest instance of moves getting cut from several mons that used to learn them. Scald had a similar thing going on a bit of a smaller scale (but still notable since the formerly very viable Toxapex no longer learns it). If more moves get distribution cuts like that, what moves do you think deserve them the most?
Personally I would be all for U-Turn receiving this treatment, as Bug type Pokemon usually are either the route 1 shitmon designed explicitly to be bad or is seen as a downside to a Pokemon that’s extremely powerful in other ways (Volcarona). Bug type moves are in a similar boat thanks to type matchups and in most cases the best Bug moves are good because they do something irrelevant to regular type matchups; Sticky Web being a very powerful hazard for offense, Quiver Dance being pretty much the best setup for special sweepers, etc. and U-Turn is probably the closest it gets to being desired for its type matchups in addition to what it does, being the only current pivot attack that doesn’t have any non-Wonder Guard immunities to slam into.
However, there are an awful lot of mons that aren’t Bug type that still get U-Turn. As such, being weak to Bug is nowhere near being a balancing factor that can give Bug types more use by making strong Pokemon weak to them, it just makes you bad by default for taking big damage when anything uses a pivot move (iron leaves and wo chien in shambles). If U-Turn distribution got cut down to mostly only bug types, it would be a decent step in the right direction, and in combination with type chart buffs some bugs would most likely receive more use because they would still retain access to U-Turn (but knowing game freak they’ll probably find a way to make bug type worse instead, if anything about it changes).