My mom keeps telling everything to my dad
Like fucking hell, she's complaining 24/7 how shitty my dad is but when it comes to sharing my most private and vulnerable shit they'll become the best of friends.
Once I had a little bit of alcohol so I told her about it and I said don't mention it to dad and the fact that I could have hidden it but I didn't, i trusted herr
Next day I have this polite but useless lecture from my dad on why alcohol is bad for me. Man it's not okay for mom to do that shit.
One day I have this friend girl and i tell mom how I feel good to talk to her.
Next day I have this stern lecture from dad on why this isn't my age to have girlfriends and why girls are time waste and i should focus on career.
One day I tell mom to never share the things I share with her to dad, and one day I tell her that I got into a fight and next day stern lectures.
Maybe I wouldn't drink that if i wasn't so lonely and had someone to trust to.
Maybe I didn't have to confide in that girl if you kept things confidential mom
Maybe I didn't have to join shitty groups to cure my loneliness if you showed a little bit that you understand that I'm a 20 year old guy who is autonomous and individual. I am not your sheep mom.
This is the same lady who has such bad anger issues and she overreacts like shit, but I try to control her and fight the entire world for.