My mother is ruining my love life, and I'm starting to despise her
I've recently got into makeup and fashion, like I'm an old Hollywood, vintage type of girl, I've gotten many compliments from people, and I can't lie, it feels pretty good, hehe ;) My mother however, has gotten approached by men of all races they seem to fancy her more because she is lightskin... And no, I'm not colorist, I love being black, and love all skin colors Anyways, I've recently had some guys APPROACH me! :> So, me and this guy had dated for a few weeks and I introduced him to my mother, who was weirdly dressed as if she was going to a event,(she wasn't) full face of makeup, jewelry, huge shimmery dress... Anyways, if y'all would have seen the look of my ex's face, he looked at me as if I was filth, as if he touched a disease, he quickly stood up, told my mother how gorgeous she was, to call him, said he doesn't like black girls anymore, and broke up with me, all in front of her... Yea so, anyways I left, didn't call my mother for a few days and just took a break for my mental health. 7 months later, I met a new man, and almost the same exact thing happened, she was dressed extravagantly, dumped me after he met my mom, and didn't contact neither of us. This time, I snapped, "Your ruining my life, I hate you, all my life I've seen countless of men approach you, propose to you, try and seduce you, but when I start to get attention, when people begin to notice and desire me, you steal that away from me." She gave me a sad look and left. I'm currently crying while writing this btw, so I will keep you all updated.