[Help] Cannot Progress?
So, I was working my way through cycle 5 of the campaign when I got to this mission "Rewrite the Universe" where you have to fight multiple ships with the fate cores.
However, as my ship currently stands I do not see me being able to finish this mission. I have tried a number of times, but these ships basically one shot me and I barely dent their shields.
So, I thought maybe I just need to farm some more gear and levels. However, I cannot leave this mission to farm more gear or levels. I am stuck at my current power level.
So, then I thought maybe I should just break my character and try a new cycle to get stronger before I get to this point in the campaign. However, I cannot seem to do that either? It only lets me delete my character at this point in time?
Am I just stuck and somehow have to try and bash my head and finish this mission?