Running a Python ML program on mobile devices

My work has a Python CLI program that takes in an image of our product and outputs a certain amount of data evaluating the qualities of the product. It's a relatively lightweight program when run on one image at a time - on my M2 pro with 32 GB ram (and a ton of other active developer tools running) it processed a 704x1024 image in under 2 seconds, but they want me to make it run on mobile devices.

I've gathered that I would need to embed a Python interpreter in the app itself, or use another framework like Kivy or Beeware that runs completely in Python, and we can tell our customers in industry they have to use a specific tablet, but even with a modern device I'm concerned about limited memory, iOS/Android updates making changes that break the rube goldberg machine I'm trying to make... Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

EDIT: I do have the option of telling them a better solution is to host a server with a basic API instead. That has pros and cons from a business perspective but they trust me enough to believe me. I just genuinely don't know which is better yet.