How to be a good parent to your adult children

The biggest shift in our role as parents occurs when our kids are in their twenties, says Julia Samuel, a psychotherapist. It’s then that we must adjust from still directing their lives in some way to merely supporting them — and that can be a bit of a shock for everyone involved.

So how can we best support our kids when they are no longer our full responsibility but may still be living under our roof, or require our love and assistance in other ways? Here Samuel advises how best to navigate this complex and challenging stage of parenting 👇

  • Recognise that you can’t fix their problems
  • Your parenting mistakes from their childhood may still be affecting them — have an honest discussion
  • Don’t give advice unless it’s asked for
  • If they return to the nest you all need rules

Read Samuel's advice about how to be a good parent to your adult children for free: