I got violated
Today during my first meeting with my new probation officer(lovely fellow i had for 3 months retired) she made me sign a paper regarding that I have a violation hearing with a judge on the 7th of April. Read my previous post regarding this violation. TLDR i fell off the bandwagon while skiing and got in a fight. The new charges were disorderly while intoxicated and property damage to the patrol car. I got a lawyer who will represent me on the violation hearing and the new charges. I lost my best friend/ gf because of all this. Good news is I have been sober for 2 months nearly completed my new eco house build and lost 25 lbs by not drinking, eating right and working out daily. Plus I got a new girlfriend who supports my clean ways of living and gives me warm juicy loving on our hangs lol
I guess i am asking on any possible decent outcomes. My lawyer is conveniently on holiday for a week. I am prepared for it all I expect nothing and I am greatful for everything. Btw probation is for for level 2 DUI. Stay sobre and blessed. Thanks in advance for ANY guidance